49 per centus

Guess what?

Forty-nine per cent of the money has been raised! That's a total of €10,825.81 ! Isn't it great? I just can't stop smiling :) 

All by emptying these people's wallets (kind of doing them a favor, right? Less to carry around all day ;) ) : my uncle Johnny, aunt Joanna, cousin Laura, my dad, Marius, Helga, Sam, Peter, Mario, Andres & Catie, Berit, May, Edward & Rosalien (and my own savings). A big thank-you from the bottom of my heart!

Now it's time to go to companies (any ideas, know an owner? Please contact me) and give my own little web shop a makeover. I'm also selling stuff on Marktplaats here ; if you have any (old) things or clothes that you don't use anymore or want to get rid of  please consider donating them to my expedition :)  You can sponsor me for free using sponsorkliks, I'd really appreciate if you check if your web store is on there every time you shop online.

Not very much else to say, except that I'm really happy!

Thanks again,
