Selection Weekend
Helloo Everyone,
Guess where I was last just a few days ago? The School at Sea selection weekend! I'm not allowed to tell you much, as that wouldn't be fair towards the next candidates, but it was loads of fun. It started on Friday evening with tomato soup and sandwiches, before our first outdoor (it was raining) activity began. It was the first of many times that we didn't receive any instructions, just a task. We had to figure it all out by ourselves, working together to achieve our goal. We achieved it pretty quickly and well, I must say.
After sitting around a campfire and playing a game we all went to bed, and I slept like a log. Breakfast was at eight, then more activities. At the end of the day it was so weird; on the one hand everything had gone super quickly and whoa, is it our last night already? But on the other hand I was like: was that really this morning? It feels like ages ago!
The last night was a late one, and by then we'd really become a closely bonded group. One big family, in a way.
Sunday was great too, and left me wanting to go on this expedition more than ever. I think we all left exited and hopeful; "See you on the ship!"
Oh, and did I mention that there was one girl from Brazil and three kids from The Azores? Isn't that cool? They were (and of course still are) super nice and learnt a bit of Dutch. Who knows, I might pick up some Portuguese on the way.
Now I have to wait till the next weekend (for the remaining kids) has been, and somewhere around the end of August/beginning of September I'll know if I will be sailing west this October :-)
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